Membership & Cake Social Enterprise

HTEA & Maxine's Cakes provides professional training, mentoring and encouragement that assist you to follow your dreams and aspirations. Budding entrepreneurs have the unique opportunity to develop their skills, experience, and knowledge about setting up and running their own businesses and becoming part of a social enterprise
HTEA Membership
Cake Entrepreneurs will have the unique opportunity to develop their skills, experience, and knowledge about setting up and running their own cake businesses and becoming part of a social enterprise.
We will offer professional training, mentoring and encouragement to allow you to follow your dreams and aspirations. To enable you to aim higher in order to set up your own micro businesses and positively contribute to your community. Depending on the membership subscription, the benefits of becoming a member are explained below:
1: Consultancy
HTEA and Maxine's Cakes have a wealth of expertise, wisdom and knowledge in the following areas:
• Grant applications / bid writing
• Setting up and managing
Registered Charities
• Staff management
• Enterprises
• Micro businesses
• Cake decorating
• Youth work
• Mentoring and leadership skills
• Policies and procedures
2: Website:
Have your webpage set up for your business on the website with your individual layout, text, pictures and your contact information including social media.
3: Cake tasting event:
HTEA / Maxine's Cakes will host your cake business launch
Membership rates and benefits
Gold Package: £840 or £80 per month*
Includes: 48hrs Consultancy of practical baking and cake decorating and 1-1 business advice, Webpage and a business launch pop up.
Silver Package: £420 or £45 per month*
Includes: 24hrs Consultancy of practical baking and cake decorating and 1-1 business advice
*Can be paid in 12 monthly installments
Web Page: £295** Webpage
Includes: page design and hosting for one year
**Can be paid in 2 installments

Established cake businesses
Maxine's Cakes
Tan Tan Cakes
Jay Bird Bakes
Check out our HTEA membership page for more information