Welcome to Maxine's Cakes
How to order & Frequently asked Questions
Placing your order:
To place your order please email us at HTEA@live.co.uk with the following information:
What you would like to order, including sizing / portions needed, flavour, decoration and any special requirements
What date would you like your order for
If you prefer to call my number is 07958004013, Due to my busy baking schedule I am not always able to answer the phone straight away. For a quick or urgent response please email
How to Pay:
All orders must be paid in full before baked – No Exceptions
We can accept cash if delivered in person
We can accept cheques for amounts over £100, as these need time to clear so please allow this when planning your order.
We can accept Paypal, which is an online credit or debit card payment system, there is a 5% fee if paying by Paypal.
We accept bank transfer (preferred method of payment)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who are you?
My Name is Maxine, I am the owner of Maxine’s cakes, and HTEA (Hackney Training Enterprise Ass) All of my cakes are made from scratch by myself, I have over 35 years experience of baking I love to bake my recipes have been passed down from my mother and grandmother. For more information on the different cakes visit the Maxine’s Cake Page on this website.
Where are you based?
Maxine’s Cakes is based in Hackney East London
Do you have a shop where I can come and buy cakes?
No, Sorry, I am a home based business and each and every cake is made to order. We do not keep any ready made products in stock as we want to ensure every cake is fresh and tasty.
Do you offer delivery or can I collect from you?
We can offer delivery and set up on wedding and christening cakes. Please get in touch for a quote. We prefer all other orders to be collected, but may be able to deliver depending on availability.
How much notice do I need to give to place an order?
The minimum amount of notice we need is one week, if you have not given a weeks notice then it is less likely that we will be able to fill your order but please feel free to ask and we will try to help when possible
I recommend giving as much notice as possible as I often get booked up to 4-8 weeks in advance
During wedding season and at weekends we get booked up very quickly so bookings are heavily dependent on availability
You can place your order as far in advance as you wish
Is there a minimum order?
In money terms no, but some products, such as cup cakes, Bajan Conkies can only be ordered in set minimum quantities.
I have an idea of something I want you to make – will you do it?
Please get in touch and I will be happy to discuss your requirements
How long will your cakes keep?
Cupcakes - 2 days
Sponge cake – 5 days
Rum / fruit cake – 2 weeks
Please ask for any other items and we will advise
Can your cakes be frozen?
Most can, yes, ask for advice on how best to freeze when ordering
Are your cakes suitable for nut allergy sufferers?
We use nuts in our kitchen so although we can exclude them from a recipe, we cannot guarantee anything to be nut free
Are your cakes suitable for vegetarians?
Most of our cakes are suitable for vegetarians, with the exception of a couple that are clearly marked throughout the site. Please do let us know if you are a vegetarian and we will make double sure to leave any gelatine based decorations off your cake.
Do you hire cake stands?
We hire stands from £25 plus a £50 security deposit
Can you gift wrap?
Cakes are presented in white cake boxes. We can add a coloured ribbon and a gift card for an additional £1.50 per box, we can also provide individual cupcake boxes, please ask for details
Do you have a mailing list?
Yes for the latest news and offers keep an eye on our website or send us your email address and we will add you to our mailing list
We have an event at our school, college, club, Church will you come and do a cake stall?
We would love to – this depends on our workload so email me with details and plenty of notice
Do you run workshops?
Yes we have a wide range of Baking and Cake Decorating workshops – check out the “Workshop page” on this website
Follow us on Instagram @maxinescakes1 / @htea1